TNB Garrison Early Years and Play logo
Noah's Ark, Bulford   ●  The Haig, Bulford   ●  
Caterpillas, Tidworth  ●  Paddington Playstation Day Nursery, Tidworth   ● 
St Andrews/Jammie Dodgers, Tidworth   ●  
Larkhill at Larkhill   ●  Tree Tots, Tidworth   ● 
TNB St Andrews Jammie Dodgers Early Years logo

St Andrews Preschool &
Jammie Dodgers After School Club (ASC)
1 & 2 St Andrews Road

Telephone: 01980 843125
Welcome to St Andrews Pre-school and Jammie Dodgers After School Club (ASC)
A warm welcome to St Andrews Pre-school and Jammie Dodgers After School Club (ASC). St Andrew's Preschool and Jammie Dodgers is based in Tidworth. It serves both military and civilian families in the area. We operate from two converted semi-detached houses. This gives us very spacious outdoor facilities and generous sized, individual playrooms. We are very proud of our Ofsted 'Outstanding' grading.

To view the report click here

Our philosophy
We believe that children are best supported when parents and practitioners work together.
We believe that child care and education are integral We believe that children are best supported when parents and practitioners work together.
We believe that children need to be respected in order to respect.
We will help children to develop positive relationships with their peers and the setting staff.
In order to foster the children's positive sense of self and self-esteem we will ensure that the experiences, family background, interests, abilities and cultural heritage are positively celebrated and reflected throughout the services the setting provides.
Our ethos is centred on the High Scope pedagogy.


We take safeguarding the children extremely seriously and have designated safeguarding leads and deputies in place to support in this role.

Please see our Safeguarding Children Young People and Vulnerable Adults policy.
National College for Online Safety

National College for Online Safety logo

Important information for parents and colleagues regarding online safety. guides parents

National College on Facebook NationalOnlineSafety

Safety Around Dogs

TNB Early Years image

We are supporting the Child Safety Around Dogs initiative. Go to the Parent Section for more details.
Ofsted Report

TNB Early Years St Andrews Ofsted Report

We are very proud with our Ofsted Report!

Click here for the full Report.

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