Welcome to The Haig Day Nursery
Welcome to the Haig Day Nursery which is in Bulford and registered with Ofsted for 65 children.
Starting Nursery
We offer settling in sessions to all new families joining The Haig. The sessions take place on the days the child will be doing when they formally start. The amount of settling in sessions each child requires can differ, the Senior of the room and your child's key person will work with you and let you know when they feel your child is ready to start their full hours.
The sessions are short and over different periods of the day, so children get to experience parts of a typical nursery routine.
Our Philosophy
We believe that children in our care should spend time in an environment where they feel nurtured, at home and accepted by those around them. Children and families should expect the highest quality, professional care and education that we are able to offer.
We fully describe this policy in our Curriculum Intent document, available in our
Parent Section.